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Wednesday, May 30, 2018


      30 QUESTIONS FOR CCC EXAM PLS READ OUT FOR                                    BEST KNOWLEDGE

We are providing some previous exam questions with their answers which will help you to prepare for your examination. So read complete questions with their answers to grasp the entire info.

1. Which of the following computer language is used for artificial intelligence?
C.    C
E.    None of the above
Ans. Option B

2. The brain of any computer system is
A.    ALU
B.    Memory
C.    CPU
D.   Control unit
E.    None of the above
Ans. Option C

3. A computer assisted method for the recording and analyzing of existing or hypothetical systems is
A.    Data transmission
B.    Data flow
C.    Data capture
D.   Processing
E.    None of the above
Ans. Option B

4. Data division is the third division of a _____ program.
E.    None of the above
Ans. Option A

5. An optical input device that interprets pencil marks on paper media is
A.    O.M.R
B.    Punch card reader
C.    Optical scanners
D.   Magnetic tape
E.    None of the above
Ans. Option A

6. A technique used by codes to convert an analog signal into a digital bit stream is known as
A.    Pulse code modulation
B.    Pulse stretcher
C.    Query processing
D.   Queue management
E.    None of the above
Ans. Option A

7. Who is considered the 'father' of the minicomputer and one of the founder fathers of the modern computer industry world-wide?
A.    George Tate
B.    Kenneth H. Olsen
C.    Seymour Cray
D.   Basic Pascal
E.    None of the above
Ans. Option B

8. Which printer uses a combination of laser-beam & electro photographic techniques.
A.    Laser printers
B.    Dot-Matrix
C.    Line printer
D.   Daisy wheel
E.    None of the above
Ans. Option A

9. As compared to diskettes, the hard disks are
A.    more expensive
B.    more portable
C.    less rigid
D.   slowly accessed
E.    None of the above
Ans. Option A

10. When was punched-card equipment used for the first time to process the British census?
A.    1910
B.    1907
C.    1911
D.   1914
E.    None of the above
Ans. Option C

11. The access method used for cassette tape is
A.    Direct
B.    Random
C.    Sequential
D.   All of the above
E.    None of the above
Ans. Option C

12. Who is the creator of the PASCAL language?
A.    Niklaus Wirth
B.    Dijkstra
C.    Donald Knuth
D.   Basic Pascal
E.    None of the above
Ans. Option A

13. A file containing relatively permanent data is
A.    Random file
B.    Transaction file
C.    Master file
D.   Sequential file
E.    None of the above
Ans. Option C

14. Which kind of devices allows the user to add components and capabilities to a computer system?
A.    System boards
B.    Storage devices
C.    Input devices
D.   Output devices
E.    Expansion slots
Ans. Option E

15. Dot-matrix is a type of
A.    Tape
B.    Printer
C.    Disk
D.   Bus
E.    None of the above
Ans. Option B

16. What was the total number of UNIVAC-I sold eventually and by which company?
A.    30, British Tabulating Machine Co. (BTM)
B.    40, International Business Machines (IBM)
C.    48, Remington Rand
D.   40, International Computer Ltd. (ICL)
E.    None of the above
Ans. Option C

17. What is meant by quad-density (QD) diskette?
A.    It is double-sided disk
B.    It is double density disk
C.    It has double the number of tracks per inch
D.   All of the above
E.    None of the above
Ans. Option D

18. First generation computers are characterized by
A.    Vaccum tubes and magnetic drum
B.    Minicomputers
C.    Magnetic tape and transistors
D.   All of the above
E.    None of the above
Ans. Option A

19. Large computer system typically uses:
A.    Line printers
B.    Ink-jet printers
C.    Dot-matrix printers
D.   Daisy wheel printers
E.    None of the above
Ans. Option A

20. The first practical commercial typewriter was invented in 1867 in the United States by
A.    Christopher Latham Sholes
B.    Carlos Glidden
C.    Samuel Soule
D.   All of the above
E.    None of the above
Ans. Option D

21. When an input electrical signal A=10100 is applied to a NOT gate, its output signal is
A.    01011
B.    10001
C.    10101
D.   00101
E.    None of the above
Ans. Option A

22. A typical modern computer uses
A.    LSI chips
B.    Vacuum tubes
C.    Valves
D.   All the above
E.    None of the above
Ans. Option A

23. The computer program language which is widely used in computer science and engineering and also in business is
E.    None of the above
24. When did Hewlett-Packard Inc. introduce its first HP-110 laptop computer?
A.    1984
B.    1986
C.    1990
D.   1995
E.    None of the above
Ans. Option A

25. Group of instructions that directs a computer is called
A.    Storage
B.    Memory
C.    Logic
D.   Program
E.    None of the above
Ans. Option D

26. A computer-controlled device for training exercises that duplicates the work environment is a:
A.    simulator
B.    duplicator
C.    trainer
D.   COM device
E.    None of the above
Ans. Option A

27. Which of the following is not an output device of a computer?
A.    Printer
B.    keyboard
C.    VDU
D.   CRT screen
E.    All of the above
Ans. Option B

28. In negative logic, the logic state 1 corresponds to
A.    negative voltage
B.    zero voltage
C.    more negative voltage
D.   lower voltage level
E.    None of the above
Ans. Option D

29. The least expensive OCR units can read
A.    hand printed numbers
B.    machine printed numbers
C.    marks
D.   handwriting
E.    None of the above
Ans. Option C

30. File specification books are created primarily for the use of
A.    systems analysts
B.    programmers
C.    operators
D.   managers
E.    None of the above
Ans. Option B