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Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Computer General Knowledge Questions and Answers updated on May 2018

Computer GK : Computer Questions and Answers 

1. Who invented Compact Disc?
Ans : James T Russel

2. Which day is celebrated as world Computer Literacy Day?
Ans : December 2

3. Who invented Java?
Ans : James A Gosling

4. Longhorn was the code name of ?
Ans : Windows Vista

5. Who is known as the Human Computer of India?
Ans : Shakunthala Devi

6. What is mean by Liveware?
Ans : People who work with the computer

7. Which computer engineer got Nobel Prize for literature in 2003?
J.M. Coetzee

8. 'Weaving The Web' was written by.....
Ans : Tim Burners Lee

9. What is Beta Test?
Ans : Trial test of a computer or software before the commercial launch

10. 'Do no evil' is tag line of ......
Ans : Google

11. First Indian cinema released through internet is .....
Ans : Vivah

12. was founded by.....
Ans : Ajith Balakrishnan and Manish Agarwal

13. What is the extension of PDF?
Ans : Portable document format

14. Mows is a type of mouse for ........ people
Ans : Physically handicapped people

15. Expand RDBMS?
Ans : Relational Data Base Management System

16. Difference engine was developed by.....
Ans : Charles Babbage

17. is now owned by ......
Ans : Google

18. World's first microprocessor is .....
Ans : Intel 4004

19. What is SQL?
Ans : Structured Query Language

20. What is the expansion of COBOL?
Ans : Common Business Oriented Language

21. What is the expansion of SMS?
Ans : Short Message Service

22. Which IT company's nickname is ' The Big Blue ' ?
Ans : IBM

23. What is the full form of  IEEE?
Ans : Institute of Electric and Electronic Engineers

24. Who developed COBOL?
Ans : Grace Murry Hopper

25. Email was developed by......
Ans : Raymond Samuel Tomlinson (Ray Tomlinson)

26. Green dam is ......
Ans : Web Filter

27. What is the expanded form of CMOS ?
Ans : Complementary Metal Oxide Semoconductor

28. Who is Netizen ?
Ans : Net Citizen (Citizen who uses internet)

29. What is Scareware?
Ans : Fake antivirus softwares

30. When was the first smart phone launched?
Ans : 1992 (IBM Simon)

Computer Inventors-General Knowledge Questions and Answers updated on May 2018

         The Great Inventors in Computer Field

Charles Babbage: The Analytical Engine(1822)

Alan Turing: The Turing Machine
The English mathematician and computer scientist- provided a platform for formulating the basic concept of algorithm and destined the Turing machine, that was able to test the intelligence of a machine.

Konrad Zuse: The Z Series Computers
The German engineer, Konrad Zuse, in 1936, invented the first electrical binary programmable computer - the Z1. Z2 and Z3 were also introduced by Zuse in 1939 and 1941 respectively.

John Vincent Atanasoff & Clifford Berry: Atanasoff-Berry Computer (ABC)
Developed in the war phase of 1942, Atanasoff-Berry Computer (ABC) was the world's first fully electronic digital computer.

The US Army: ENIAC -Financed by the US army and developed by scientists John Presper Eckert & John W. Mauchly, in 1946, the Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer (ENIAC) is considered to be the first mainstream digital computer ever made.

Father of the personal computer - Henry Edward Roberts released Altair 8800 on December 19, 1974

The first laptop or portable computer -  IBM 5100  (1975)

The first Apple computer - Steve Wozniak designed the first Apple known as the Apple I (1976)

Inventors in computer programming and development

Dennis Ritchie  : He created the C programming language

Brian Kernighan : contributed to the development of Unix, He is also coauthor of the AWK and AMPL programming languages.

Bjarne Stroustrup : developed C++ programming language.

Niklaus Wirth : developed PASCAL programming language

James Gosling :  Father of the Java programming language.

Larry Wall : Developed  Perl programming language in 1987.

Guido van Rossum : Author of the Python programming language.

Richard Matthew Stallman : foundi Free Software Foundation, developing the GNU Compiler Collection and GNU Emacs, and writing the GNU General Public License.

Bill Joy: co-founder of Sun Microsystems in 1982 along with Vinod Khosla, Scott McNealy and Andy Bechtolsheim.

Philippe Kahn : who is credited with creating the first camera phone sharing pictures instantly on public networks.

Important founders in the field of Computer Technology

Paul Allen : Co-founder of Microsoft Corporation along with Bill Gates, a leading developer of personal-computer software systems and applications.

Bill Gates : William Henry "Bill" Gates III is an American business magnate and philanthropist. Gates is the former chief executive and current chairman of Microsoft, the world’s largest personal-computer software company, which he co-founded with Paul Allen.

Larry Ellison : Lawrence Joseph "Larry" Ellison is an American business magnate, co-founder and chief executive of Oracle Corporation, one of the world's leading enterprise software companies.

Larry Page : Lawrence "Larry" Page is an American computer scientist and internet entrepreneur who, with Sergey Brin, is best known as the co-founder of Google. On April 4, 2011, he took on the role of chief executive officer of Google, replacing Eric Schmidt.

Sergey Brin : Sergey Mikhaylovich Brin is a Soviet-born American computer scientist and Internet entrepreneur who, with Larry Page, co-founded Google, one of the most profitable Internet companies. As of 2012, his personal wealth is estimated to be $20.3 billion.

Steve Jobs : Steven Paul "Steve" Jobs was an American entrepreneur. He is best known as the co-founder, chairman, and chief executive officer of Apple Inc

Robert Taylor :Robert William Taylor, known as Bob Taylor, is an Internet pioneer, who led teams that made major contributions to the personal computer, and other related technologies.

Paul Baran : Paul Baran was a Polish American engineer who was a pioneer in the development of computer networks

Vint Cerf : Vinton Gray "Vint" Cerf is an American computer scientist, who is recognized as one of "the fathers of the Internet", sharing this title with American computer scientist Bob Kahn.

Robert E. Kahn : Robert Elliot "Bob" Kahn is an American Internet pioneer, engineer and computer scientist, who, along with Vinton G. Cerf, invented the Transmission Control Protocol and the Internet Protocol.

Inventors of Computer Hardware 

(1) Key board — Herman Hollerith, first keypunch device in 1930’s

(2) Transistor — John Bardeen, Walter Brattain & Wiliam Shockley (1947 - 1948)

(3) RAM — An Wang and Jay Forrester (1951)

(4) Trackball — Tom Cranston and Fred Longstaff (1952)

(5) Hard Disk — IBM , The IBM Model 350 Disk File (1956 )

(6) Integrated Circuit— Jack Kilby & Robert Noyce (1958)

(7) Computer Mouse — Douglas Engelbart (1964)

(8) Laser printer— Gary Stark weather at XEROX in (1969)

(9) Floppy Disk— Alan Shugart & IBM( 1970)

(10) Microprocessor — Faggin, Hoff&Mazor – Intel 4004


                                  CCC EXAM BEST NOTES

1. "The fathers of the Internet" is
Ans : Vint Cerf

2. Which is the news search engine introduced by in 2012?
Ans : Realtime News Search

3. The inventor of the World Wide Web?
Ans : Tim Berners-Lee  --> The first web browser was invented in 1990 by Sir Tim Berners-Lee. It was called WorldWideWeb and was later renamed Nexus.)

4. The founder of Netscape Communications?
Ans :  Marc Andreessen   -co-authored Mosaic, the first widely-used web browser and he founded Netscape Communications.

5.Where was the first computer installed in India?
Ans : Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata

6.In internet terminology IP means
Internet Protocol

7. The first page of a website is called the
Ans : Home page

8. A website addresss is a unique name that identifies a specific ____________ on the web.
Ans : Link

9. A ______ is a computer attached to the internet that runs a special web server software and can send web pages out to the other computer over the internet.
Ans : Web sever

10. Which software application is used for accessing sites or information on a network ( as the world wide web)?
Ans : Web browser

11. It is a small piece of text stored on a user's computer by a web browser for maintaining the state. What we are talking about?
Ans : Cookie

12. Which  company is nicknamed  "Big Blue" ?
Ans : IBM(International Business Machines Corporation)

13. Which was the first ever web server software?
Ans : CERN httpd(later also known as W3C httpd) - was a web server (HTTP) daemon originally developed at CERN , it live on 25 December 1990.

14. The standard protocol of the Internet is
Ans : TCP/IP

15. The first web based e-mail sevice?
Ans : Hot mail
Sabeer Bhatia of India and Jack Smith founded the first free web-based email service, Hotmail, in 1995. Hotmail was commercially  launched in 4 July 1996 as "HoTMaiL" on American Independence Day. So why the name HoTMaiL.
Access Control List
Analog-to-Digital Converter
Automatic Document Feeder
Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line
Accelerated Graphics Port
Audio Interchange File Format
Advanced Interactive Executive
Arithmetic Logic Unit
American National Standards Institute
Application Program Interface
Address Resolution Protocol
American Standard Code for Information Interchange


      30 QUESTIONS FOR CCC EXAM PLS READ OUT FOR                                    BEST KNOWLEDGE

We are providing some previous exam questions with their answers which will help you to prepare for your examination. So read complete questions with their answers to grasp the entire info.

1. Which of the following computer language is used for artificial intelligence?
C.    C
E.    None of the above
Ans. Option B

2. The brain of any computer system is
A.    ALU
B.    Memory
C.    CPU
D.   Control unit
E.    None of the above
Ans. Option C

3. A computer assisted method for the recording and analyzing of existing or hypothetical systems is
A.    Data transmission
B.    Data flow
C.    Data capture
D.   Processing
E.    None of the above
Ans. Option B

4. Data division is the third division of a _____ program.
E.    None of the above
Ans. Option A

5. An optical input device that interprets pencil marks on paper media is
A.    O.M.R
B.    Punch card reader
C.    Optical scanners
D.   Magnetic tape
E.    None of the above
Ans. Option A

6. A technique used by codes to convert an analog signal into a digital bit stream is known as
A.    Pulse code modulation
B.    Pulse stretcher
C.    Query processing
D.   Queue management
E.    None of the above
Ans. Option A

7. Who is considered the 'father' of the minicomputer and one of the founder fathers of the modern computer industry world-wide?
A.    George Tate
B.    Kenneth H. Olsen
C.    Seymour Cray
D.   Basic Pascal
E.    None of the above
Ans. Option B

8. Which printer uses a combination of laser-beam & electro photographic techniques.
A.    Laser printers
B.    Dot-Matrix
C.    Line printer
D.   Daisy wheel
E.    None of the above
Ans. Option A

9. As compared to diskettes, the hard disks are
A.    more expensive
B.    more portable
C.    less rigid
D.   slowly accessed
E.    None of the above
Ans. Option A

10. When was punched-card equipment used for the first time to process the British census?
A.    1910
B.    1907
C.    1911
D.   1914
E.    None of the above
Ans. Option C

11. The access method used for cassette tape is
A.    Direct
B.    Random
C.    Sequential
D.   All of the above
E.    None of the above
Ans. Option C

12. Who is the creator of the PASCAL language?
A.    Niklaus Wirth
B.    Dijkstra
C.    Donald Knuth
D.   Basic Pascal
E.    None of the above
Ans. Option A

13. A file containing relatively permanent data is
A.    Random file
B.    Transaction file
C.    Master file
D.   Sequential file
E.    None of the above
Ans. Option C

14. Which kind of devices allows the user to add components and capabilities to a computer system?
A.    System boards
B.    Storage devices
C.    Input devices
D.   Output devices
E.    Expansion slots
Ans. Option E

15. Dot-matrix is a type of
A.    Tape
B.    Printer
C.    Disk
D.   Bus
E.    None of the above
Ans. Option B

16. What was the total number of UNIVAC-I sold eventually and by which company?
A.    30, British Tabulating Machine Co. (BTM)
B.    40, International Business Machines (IBM)
C.    48, Remington Rand
D.   40, International Computer Ltd. (ICL)
E.    None of the above
Ans. Option C

17. What is meant by quad-density (QD) diskette?
A.    It is double-sided disk
B.    It is double density disk
C.    It has double the number of tracks per inch
D.   All of the above
E.    None of the above
Ans. Option D

18. First generation computers are characterized by
A.    Vaccum tubes and magnetic drum
B.    Minicomputers
C.    Magnetic tape and transistors
D.   All of the above
E.    None of the above
Ans. Option A

19. Large computer system typically uses:
A.    Line printers
B.    Ink-jet printers
C.    Dot-matrix printers
D.   Daisy wheel printers
E.    None of the above
Ans. Option A

20. The first practical commercial typewriter was invented in 1867 in the United States by
A.    Christopher Latham Sholes
B.    Carlos Glidden
C.    Samuel Soule
D.   All of the above
E.    None of the above
Ans. Option D

21. When an input electrical signal A=10100 is applied to a NOT gate, its output signal is
A.    01011
B.    10001
C.    10101
D.   00101
E.    None of the above
Ans. Option A

22. A typical modern computer uses
A.    LSI chips
B.    Vacuum tubes
C.    Valves
D.   All the above
E.    None of the above
Ans. Option A

23. The computer program language which is widely used in computer science and engineering and also in business is
E.    None of the above
24. When did Hewlett-Packard Inc. introduce its first HP-110 laptop computer?
A.    1984
B.    1986
C.    1990
D.   1995
E.    None of the above
Ans. Option A

25. Group of instructions that directs a computer is called
A.    Storage
B.    Memory
C.    Logic
D.   Program
E.    None of the above
Ans. Option D

26. A computer-controlled device for training exercises that duplicates the work environment is a:
A.    simulator
B.    duplicator
C.    trainer
D.   COM device
E.    None of the above
Ans. Option A

27. Which of the following is not an output device of a computer?
A.    Printer
B.    keyboard
C.    VDU
D.   CRT screen
E.    All of the above
Ans. Option B

28. In negative logic, the logic state 1 corresponds to
A.    negative voltage
B.    zero voltage
C.    more negative voltage
D.   lower voltage level
E.    None of the above
Ans. Option D

29. The least expensive OCR units can read
A.    hand printed numbers
B.    machine printed numbers
C.    marks
D.   handwriting
E.    None of the above
Ans. Option C

30. File specification books are created primarily for the use of
A.    systems analysts
B.    programmers
C.    operators
D.   managers
E.    None of the above
Ans. Option B