4. Default Zoom Size in Libreoffice Calc - 100%
7. The Shortcut key To Select All OR Select whole Worksheet - Ctrl+A And Ctrl+Shift+Spacebar
8. The Shortcut key To Select a Row in Calc - Shift+Spacebar
9. The Shortcut key To Select a Column in Calc - Ctrl+Spacebar
10. Default Number of Sheet in Libreoffice Calc, When we open it - 1 (One)
11. The Formula bar displayed under the - Formatting Tool Bar
103. Which key is used with the
Ctrl to create a new line or paragraph inside the cell of the Libreoffice Calc ? -
Note:- (We press Ctrl+Enter for create a new line or change/break a line into cell)
104. Which
Symbol always starts with the Formula in Libreoffice Calc ? -
Equal to (=)
105. What is the result/Output of the Formula
=("Hello"&""&"Ram")↩ - Hello Ram
Note:- &( Ampersand symbol is a conjection Symbol that Combined or Conject Two words)
Maximum number of Columns per worksheet in Libreoffice Calc
= 1024 (Col A1 to AMJ).
Maximum number of cells per worksheet in Libreoffice Calc
- 1073741824 (2^30).
Note:- [You can Multiply Total Number of Column and Rows {1024*1048576= 1073741824}and you get total number of cells]
108. Maximum number of Rows per worksheet = 1048576 (2^20).
109. Maximum number of worksheets in a workbook = 10000
110. For open Cell Format Dialogbox in Calc we press - Ctrl+1
111. The date and Time in Libreoffice Calc are internally treated as numbers. (लिब्रे ऑफिस कैल्क में संग्रहित दिनांक और समय को आतंरिक रूप से संख्याओ के रूप में जाना जाता है) - True
112. Libreoffice calc's Workbook can have only one Sheet - False (Correct Ans -Max- 10000 Sheets)
113. How many characters can fit into a single cell? - 32,767 (The total number of characters a cell can contain is 32,767.)
114. Libreoffice calc's Workbook have only one Sheet when you open it. - True
115. In Libreoffice calc have the functions like COS, EVEN, FACT, etc, These are Which types function or formula - Mathmatical
116. The shortcut for Print Preview in Calc -
117. By default
Save the File With Name in Libreoffice Calc -
118. For change a given number in
Currency Format then we press -
119. Where Placed the
Name Box - Just below of the Format bar in Left Hand side Corner
120. For Highlight the value in Calc spreadsheet, We press -
121. The
cell address diplayed in -
Name Box.
122. The last cell address in Calc -
123. For Split a Merge cell we click on -
Merge And Center
124. What do you do to write Monday to Sunday on Libreoffice calc sheet -
First write Monday and hold down the right corner then drag and put (drop) it Down.
125. Which shortcut use to go to the
left of the cell in Calc -
126. Which shortcut use to go to the
Right of the cell in Calc -
127. Which shortcut use to go to the
Down of the cell in Calc -
Enter Or Down Arrow Key (↓)
129. Which shortcut use to go to the
Up of the cell in Calc -
Shift+Enter Or Up Arrow Key (↑)
130. What is the formula of all worksheets called (सभी वर्कशीट के फार्मूला को क्या खा जाता है ?) -
Return of Formula Result
131. What happens when we add Row and Column in Calc-
132. Which symbol appears when a formula error occurs ?(कैल्क में फार्मूला एरर होने पर कौन सा सिंबल दिखाई देता है ?) -
# NOTE:- (#NAME?)
133. In Libreoffice calc, Number is in Right alignment and Alphabet in Left alignment -
134. A bar that have save, open, print, cut, copy etc, command, the bar is called -
Standard Toolbar
135. The option
Freeze Rows And Colums found in -
View Menu
136. Total menu in Libreoffice calc -
Note:- (File Edit View Insert Fotmat Style Sheet Data Tools Window Help)
137. The shortcut for open a new template in Calc -
138. In Libreoffice Calc, We input The Data in -
Rows And Column (Cell)
139. Vertical and Horizontal lines that are displayed on the
worksheet (Calc spreadsheet) are called -
Grid Lines
140. In Libreoffice Calc we can move the
Drawing Toolbar from a place to another place. -
141. A Function(Formula) inside a function is called a
Nested Function(Formula) - True
Note:- Example:- =SUM(2,4*(Product(2,5)))↩
= 42
143. To copy a cell, when will you hold the control key and simultaneously (साथ साथ) hold the cell. ?-
When copying more than one cell.
144. What is the intersection (प्रतिच्छेदन या परस्पर एक दुसरे को काटना) of Rows and Columns is called -
145. Which shortcut is used to
increase cell width in Libreoffice Calc -
Alt+Right Arrow (Alt + →)
146. Which shortcut is used to
Decrease cell width in Libreoffice Calc -
Alt+Left Arrow (Alt + ←)
147. Libreoffice Calc also known as -
148. In Libreoffice What is Mail marge -
Send an E-mail to many Persons in one Time.
149. In Libreoffce, Number Align is -
Right Align
150. The intersection of Row and Column is Called -
151. The shortcut for Paste Spacial in Libreoffice Calc -
152. The Last cell in Libreoffice Calc -
AMJ1 (ए एम जे वन)
153. In Libreoffice calc, Column are known as -
A, B, C, D,......................AMJ. (A to AMJ)
154. In Libreoffice calc, Rows are known as -
1, 2, 3, 4, .............................. 1048576 ( 1 to 1048576 )
155. The form of data is organized (व्यवस्थित) in the worksheet -
Row and Column
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