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Monday, March 05, 2018

A to Z Computer Abbreviations / Full Forms for All Competitive Examinations.

     A to Z Computer Abbreviations / Full Forms for All                            Competitive Examinations.
 Computer Abbreviations / Full Forms starting with “A” for All Competitive Exams.

  • AAC: Advanced Audio Coding.
  • ABI: Application Binary Interface.
  • ABR: Available Bit Rate.
  • AD: Active Directory.
  • ADC: Analog – to – Digital Converter / Apple Display Connector (DVI Variant).
  • AHA: Accelerated Hub Architecture.
  • ALGOL: Algorithmic Language.
  • AJAX: Asynchronous JavaScript and XML.
  • ALU: Arithmetic Logical Unit.
  • AMD: Advanced Micro Devices.
  • AMR: Audio Modern Riser.
  • APCI: Application – Layer Protocol Control Information.
  • API: Application Programming Interface.
  • ARPANET: Advanced Research Projects Agency Network.
  • ASCII: American Standard Code for Information Interchange.
  • ASP: Application Service Provider / Active Server Pages.
  • AST: Abstract Syntax Tree.
  • ATA: Advanced Technology Attachment.
  • ATM: Asynchronous Transfer Mode.
  • AVC: Advanced Video Coding.
  • AVI: Audio Video InterLeaved.
  • AWT: Abstract WIndow ToolKit.

Computer Abbreviations / Full Forms starting with “B” for All Competitive Exams.

  • BAL: Basic Assembly Language.
  • BASIC: Beginner All – Purpose Symbolic Instruction Code.
  • BCD: Binary Coded Decimal.
  • BER: Bit Error Rate.
  • BFD: Binary File Descriptor.
  • BGP: Border Gateway Protocol.
  • BiDi: Bi – Directional.
  • BIN: Binary.
  • BINAC: Binary Automatic Computer.
  • BIOS: Basic Input Output System.
  • BIT: A Binary Digit.
  • BLOB: Binary large Object.
  • BLOG: Web Log.
  • BPS: Bits Per Second.
  • BMP: Basic Multilingual Plane.
  • BT: BitTorrent / Bluetooth.
  • BW: Bandwidth.

Computer Abbreviations / Full Forms starting with “C” for All Competitive Exams.

  • CAD: Computer – Aided Design.
  • CAE: Computer – Aided Engineering.
  • CAI: Computer – Aided Instruction.
  • CAQA: Computer – Aided Quality Assurance.
  • CC: C Compiler / Carbon Copy.
  • CD: Compact Disk / Change Directory.
  • CDMA: Code Division Multiple Access.
  • CD-R: Compact Disk – Recordable.
  • CD-ROM: Compact Disk – Read – Only Memory.
  • CD-RW: Compact Disk – Rewritable.
  • CG: Computer Graphics.
  • CGA: Color Graphics Array.
  • CGI: Common Gateway Interface / Computer – Generated Imaginary.
  • CMOS: Complementary Metal – Oxide Semiconductor.
  • CIFS: Common Internet File System.
  • CIM: Common Information Model.
  • CLI: Command Line Interface.
  • CNC: Computer Numerical Control.
  • COBOL: Common Business – Oriented Language.
  • CPU: Central Processing Unit.
  • CRS: Computer Reservation System.
  • CTR: Cathode Ray Tube.
  • CSI: Common System Interface.
  • CSV: Comma – Separated Values.
  • CTCP: Client – to – Client Protocol.
  • CTL: Computation Tree Logic.
  • CTS: Clear to Send.
  • CUA: Common User Access.

Computer Abbreviations / Full Forms starting with “D” for All Competitive Exams.

  • DAO: Data Access Objects.
  • DAP: Direct Access Protocol.
  • DAT: Digital Audio Tape.
  • DB: DataBase.
  • DBA: Database Administrator.
  • DBMS: Database Management System.
  • DCC: Direct Client – to – Client.
  • DDR: Double Data Rate.
  • DES: Data Encryption Standard.
  • DFD: Data Flow Diagram.
  • DFS: Distributed File System.
  • DHTML: Dynamic Hyper Text Markup Language.
  • DIVX: Digital Video Express.
  • DVE: Digital Video Effects.
  • DLL: Dynamic Link Library.
  • DLP: Digital Light Processing.
  • DMA: Direct Memory Access.
  • DNS: Domain Name System.
  • DOS: Disk Operating System.
  • DPI: Dots per INCH.
  • DOS-PMI: Disk Operating System – Protected Mode Interface.
  • DSL: Digital Subscriber Line / Domain – Specific Language.
  • DBSN: Database Source Name (ODBC).
  • DTE: Data Terminal Equipment.
  • DTR: Data Terminal Ready.
  • DVD: Digital Versatile Disk / Digital Video Disk.
  • DVD-R: Digital Versatile Disk – Recordable.
  • DVD-ROM: Digital Versatile Disk – Read Only Memory.
  • DVD-RW: Digital Versatile Disk – Rewritable.
  • DVI: Digital Visual Interface.
  • DVR: Digital Video Recorder.

Computer Abbreviations / Full Forms starting with “E” for All Competitive Exams.

  • EBCDIC: Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code.
  • EEPROM: Electronically Erasable Programmable Read Only memory.
  • EID: Electronic ID Card.
  • EIGRP: Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol.
  • ELF: Executable and Linkable Format.
  • ELM: Electronic Mail.
  • ENIAC: Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer.
  • EOF: End of File.
  • EOL: End of Line.
  • EOM: End of Message.
  • EPROM: Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory.
  • ECU: Extended Unix Code.
  • EST: Electrostatic Discharge.
  • EXE: Executable.

Computer Abbreviations / Full Forms starting with “F” for All Competitive Exams.

  • FAT: File Allocation Table.
  • FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions.
  • FDC: Floppy Disk Controller.
  • FDD: Floppy Disk Drive.
  • FDMA: Frequency-Division Multiple Access.
  • FIFO: First In First Out.
  • FHS: Filesystem Hierarchy Standard.
  • FCS: Frame Check Sequence.
  • FPU: Floating Point Unit.
  • FS: File System.
  • FSB: Front Side Bus.
  • FTP: File Transfer Protocol.
  • FXP: File Exchange Protocol.

Computer Abbreviations / Full Forms starting with “G” for All Competitive Exams.

    • Gb: Gigabit.
    • GB: Gigabyte.
    • GCR: Group Code Recording.
    • GDI: Graphics Device Interface.
    • GIF: Graphics Interchange Format.
    • GIGO: Garbage In Garbage Out.
    • GPL: General Public License.
    • GPRS: General Packet Radio Service.
    • GPU: Graphics Processing Unit.
    • GUI: Graphical User Interface.

Computer Abbreviations / Full Forms starting with “H” for All Competitive Exams.

    • HAL: Hardware Abstraction Layer.
    • HCI: Human Computer Interaction.
    • HD: High Density.
    • HDD: Hard Disk Drive.
    • HD DVD: High Definition DVD.
    • HDL: Hardware Description Language.
    • HHD: Hybrid Hard Drive.
    • HID: Human Interface Device.
    • HIG: Human Interface Guidelines.
    • HP: Hewlett-Packard.
    • HPFS: High Performance File System.
    • HT: Hyper Threading.
    • HTM: Hierarchical Temporal Memory.
    • HTML: Hypertext markup Language.
    • HTTP: Hypertext Transfer Protocol.
    • HTTPD: Hypertext Transfer Protocol Daemon.
    • HTX: Hyper Transport Expansion.
    • HURD: Hird of Unix-Replacing Daemons.
    • HVD: Holographic Versatile Disk.
    • HZ: Hertz.

Computer Abbreviations / Full Forms starting with “I” for All Competitive Exams.

    • IBM: International Business Machines.
    • IC: Integrated Circuit.
    • ICMP: Internet Control Message Protocol.
    • ICP: Internet Cache Protocol.
    • ICT: Information and Communication Technology.
    • IDL: Interface Definition Language.
    • IDE: Integrated Development Environment / Integrated Drive Electronics.
    • IE: Internet Explorer.
    • IGMP: Internet Group Management Protocol.
    • IGRP: Interior Gateway Routing Protocol.
    • IHV: Independent Hardware Vendor.
    • IIOP: Internet Iner-Orb-Protocol.
    • IIS: Internet Information Server.
    • IM: Instant Messaging.
    • IMAP: Internet Message Access Protocol.
    • I/O: Input / Output.
    • IP: Internet Protocol.
    • IPC: Inter-Process Communication.
    • IPP: Internet Printing Protocol.
    • IPsec: Internet Protocol Security.
    • IPTV: Internet Protocol Television.
    • IPX: Internetwork Packet Exchange.
    • IRC: Internet Relay Chat.
    • IrDA: Infrared Data Association.
    • IRP: I/O Request Packet.
    • IRQ: Interrupt Request.
    • ISC: Internet Storm Center.
    • ISO: International Organisation for Standardization.
    • ISOC: Internet Society.
    • ISP: Internet Service Provider.
    • ISR: Interrupt Service Routine.
    • ISV: Independent Software Vendor.
    • IT: Information Technology.
    • ITU: International Telecommunication Union.

Computer Abbreviations / Full Forms starting with “J” for All Competitive Exams.

    • J2EE: Java 2 Enterprise Edition.
    • J2ME: Java 2 Micro Edition.
    • J2SE: Java 2 Standard Edition.
    • JDK: Java Development KIT.
    • JPEG: Joint Photographic Experts Group.
    • JRE: Java Runtime Environment.
    • JS: Java Script.
    • JSON: Java Script Object Notation.
    • JSP: Java Server Pages.
    • JUG: Java User Group.

Computer Abbreviations / Full Forms starting with “K” for All Competitive Exams.

    • KB: Kilobyte.
    • Kb: Kilobit.
    • KHz: Kilohertz.
    • KBPS: Kilobit per second.
    • KVM: Keyboard, Video, Mouse.

Computer Abbreviations / Full Forms starting with “L” for All Competitive Exams.

    • LAN: Local Area Network.
    • LED: Light-Emitting Diode.
    • LIFO: Last In First Out.
    • LSB: Least Significant Bit.

Computer Abbreviations / Full Forms starting with “M” for All Competitive Exams.

    • MAN: Metropolitan Area Network.
    • MANET: Mobile Ad-Hoc Network.
    • Mb: Megabit.
    • MB: Megabyte.
    • MBCS: Multi Byte Character Set.
    • MBR: Master Boot Record.
    • MDI: Multiple Document Interface.
    • MICR: Magnetic Ink Character Recognition.
    • MIDI: Musical Instrument Digital Interface.
    • MIMO: Multiple-Input Multiple Output.
    • MIPS: Million Instructions Per Second.
    • MIME: Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions.
    • MHz: Megahertz.
    • MMU: Memory Management Unit.
    • MMX: Multi-Media Extensions.
    • MNG: Multiple-image Network Graphics.
    • MOSFET: Metal-Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor.
    • MPEG: Motion Pictures (coding) Experts Group.
    • MPL: Mozilla Public License.
    • MSB: Most Significant Bit.
    • MS-DOS: Microsoft Disk Operating System.
    • MVS: Multiple Vendor System.

Computer Abbreviations / Full Forms starting with “N” for All Competitive Exams.

    • NFS: Network File System.
    • NIC: Network Interface Controller.
    • NIO: New I/O.
    • NMI: Non-Maskable Interrupt.
    • NNTP: Network News Transfer Protocol.
    • NOP: NO Operation.
    • NOS: Network Operating System.
    • NT (Windows): New Technology.
    • NTFS: NT File System.
    • NTP: Network Time Protocol.
    • NVRAM: Non-Volatile Random Access Memory.

Computer Abbreviations / Full Forms starting with “O” for All Competitive Exams.

    • OOP: Object-Oriented Programming.
    • OPML: Outline Processor Markup Language.
    • OS: Operating System.
    • OSS: Open Source Software.
    • OCR: Optical Character Reader.

Computer Abbreviations / Full Forms starting with “P” for All Competitive Exams.

    • P2P: Peer-To-Peer.
    • PAN: Personal Area Network.
    • PAP: Password Authentication Protocol.
    • PATA: Parallel ATA.
    • PC: Personal Computer.
    • PCB: Printed Circuit Board.
    • PC DOS: Personal Computer Disk Operating System.
    • PCI: Peripheral Component Interconnect.
    • PCIe: PCI Express.
    • PCL: Printer Command Language.
    • PERL: Practical Extraction and Reporting Language.
    • PGA: Pin Grid Array.
    • PHP: PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor.
    • PIC: Peripheral Interface Controller / Programmable Interrupt Controller.
    • PINE: Program for Internet News & Email.
    • PIO: Programmed Input/Output.
    • PLC: Power Line Communication / Programmable Logic Controller.
    • Pnp: Plug-and-Play.
    • PoE: Power Over Ethernet.
    • POST: Power-On Self Test.
    • PPC: Power PC.
    • PPI: Pixels Per Inch.
    • PPP: Point-to-Point Protocol.
    • PPPoA: PPP over ATM.
    • PPPoE: PPP over Ethernet.
    • PPTP: Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol.
    • PSU: Power Supply Unit.

Computer Abbreviations / Full Forms starting with “Q” for All Competitive Exams.

    • QDR: Quad Data Rate.
    • QFP: Quad Flat Package.
    • QoS: Quality of Service.
    • QFP: Quick File Access.

Computer Abbreviations / Full Forms starting with “R” for All Competitive Exams.

    • RAD: Rapid Application Development.
    • RADIUS: Remote Authentication Dial In User Service.
    • RAID: Redundant Array of Independent Disks.
    • RAIT: Redundant Array of Inexpensive Tapes.
    • RAM: Random Access Memory.
    • RARP: Reverse Address Resolution Protocol.
    • RDBMS: Relation Database Management System.
    • RDF: Resource Description Framework.
    • REEAL: Recursive Functions Algorithmic Language.
    • RF: Radio Frequency.
    • RGB: Red, Green, Blue (RGBA- Red, Green, Blue, Alpha).
    • RIP: Routing Information Protocol.
    • ROM: Read Only Memory.
    • ROMB: Read-Out Motherboard.
    • ROM-DOS: Read Only Memory-Disk Operating System.
    • RTOS: Real Time Operating System.

Computer Abbreviations / Full Forms starting with “S” for All Competitive Exams.

    • SAN: Storage Area Network.
    • SATA: Serial ATA.
    • SAX: Simple API of XML.
    • SBP-2: Serial Bus Protocol 2.
    • SBU:  Standard Build Unit.
    • SCSI: Small Computer System Interface.
    • SDL: Simple Direct Media Layer.
    • SDN: Service Delivery Network.
    • SDR: Software-Defined Radio.
    • SDRAM: Synchronous Dynamic Random Access Memory.
    • SFTP: Secure FTP/Simple File Transfer Protocol.
    • SHDSL: Single-pair High-speed Digital Subscriber Line.
    • SIMD: Single Instruction, Multiple Data.
    • SIMM: Single InLine Memory Module.
    • SMBIOS: System Management BIOS.
    • SMTP: Simple Mail Transfer Protocol.
    • SP: Service Pack.
    • SPI: Serial Peripheral Interface.
    • SQL: Structured Query Language.
    • SUS: Single UNIX Specification.
    • SVD: Structured VLSI Design.
    • SVG: Scalable Vector Graphics.
    • SVGA: Super Video Graphics Array.

Computer Abbreviations / Full Forms starting with “T” for All Competitive Exams.

    • TB: TeraByte.
    • TCP: Transmission Control Protocol.
    • TCP/IP: Transmission Control Protocol / Internet Protocol.
    • TDMA: Time Division Multiple Access.
    • tmp: Temporary.
    • TTA: True Tap Audio.
    • TTF: True Type Font.
    • TTL: Transistor-Transistor-Logic.
    • TTS: Text-to Speech.
    • TTY: Teletype.

Computer Abbreviations / Full Forms starting with “U” for All Competitive Exams.

    • UAC: User Account Control.
    • UART: Universal Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter.
    • UEFI: Unified Extensible Firmware Interface.
    • UI: User Interface.
    • UL: Upload.
    • UPS: Uninterruptible Power Supply.
    • URI: Uniform Resource Identifier.
    • URL: Uniform Resource Locator.
    • URN: Uniform Resource Name.
    • USB: Universal Serial Bus.
    • UTF: Unicode Transformation Format.
    • UTP: Unshielded Twisted Pair.

Computer Abbreviations / Full Forms starting with “V” for All Competitive Exams.

    • VAR: Variable.
    • VB: Visual Basic.
    • VBA: Visual Basic for Applications.
    • VBS: Visual Basic Script.
    • VFAT: Virtual FAT.
    • VFS: Virtual File System.
    • VGA: Video Graphics Array.
    • VGCT: Video Graphics Character Table.
    • VLAN: Virtual Local Area Network.
    • VM: Virtual Memory.
    • VOD: Video On Demand.
    • VoIP: Voice Over IP.
    • VPN: Virtual Private Network.
    • VPU: Visual Processing Unit.
    • VT: Video Terminal.

Computer Abbreviations / Full Forms starting with “W” for All Competitive Exams.

    • WAN: Wide Area Network.
    • WAP: Wireless Access Protocol.
    • Wi-Fi: Wireless Fidelity.
    • WinFS: Windows Future Storage.
    • WINS: Windows Internet Naming Service.
    • WLAN: Wireless Local Area Network.
    • WMA: Windows Media Audio.
    • WMV: Windows Media Video.
    • WOL: Wake-on-Lan.
    • WOM: Wake-on-Modem.
    • WPA: Wi-Fi Protected Access.
    • WSDL: Web Services Description Language.
    • WUSB: Wireless Universal Serial Bus.
    • WWAN: Wireless Wide Area Network.
    • WWID: World Wide Identifier.
    • WWW: World Wide Web.

Computer Abbreviations / Full Forms starting with “X” for All Competitive Exams.

    • XAML: Extensible Application Merkup Language.
    • XHTML: Extensible Hypertext Markup Language.
    • XML: Extensible Markup Language.
    • XNS: Xerox Network Services.
    • XMMS: X MultiMedia System.
    • XSL: Extensible StyleSheet Language.
    • XSL-FO: Extensible StyleSheet language Formatting Objects.
    • XSLIT: Extensible StyleSheet language Transformations.
    • XUL: XML User Interface Language.

Computer Abbreviations / Full Forms starting with “Z” for All Competitive Exams.

    • ZIFS: Zero Insertion Force Socket.
    • ZISC: Zero Instruction Set Computer.
    • ZMA: Zone Multicast Address.

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